Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meaningful Meanderings

I am a badass and I know this to be true.  But holy fucking shit, y'all.  The crushing responsibility of five chirrens, two dogs, and one cat almost got me.  Almost.    

Okay, actually, I can't even include our cat Independence Hall in that list of responsibilities because I have recently realized that cats are such a great deal.  They can fill an emotional void just as well as a dog, but without projecting their own neediness.  Plus, clean up is so easy with a cat.   

Cats are just one more wonderful thing (in addition to 90210 - the original, Over The Rhine, and IHOP) that The Butler has shared with me.  In return, I have offered him the joys of Guitar Hero, extreme paranoia, and tortoise shell shoes.  

The bad news of this blog is that my momz is leaving in the morning. While I enjoyed spending time with her, I mainly wanted her to come visit because she always boosts my street cred.  Pretty much everyone in the free world likes my mom more than they like me.  Which is fine with me, because I'm mostly scared of everyone in the free world.  

Because I'm mostly scared of everyone in the free world, I will be taking a New York Times crossword puzzle to a bar tomorrow night.  Lame?  I don't think so.  The Butler is (hopefully) playing his gee-tar there and I will for sure be in attendance.  But as my debilitating neuroses prevent me from interacting with most humans, I'm planning on burying myself in Tuesday and Wednesday puzzles.  

Okay, that's all I got, homies.  


  1. What is a five letter word for a phrase you repeat over and over to yourself to convince yourself it is true?

  2. How about a 6 letter word for a hooked one...

  3. I'd have a cat in a heartbeat, if I weren't so allergic. It is really wrong to be named Cat and yet to be allergic to cats. If I were in DC, I'd go with you to the Butler's gig, and we could be total groupies and/or make fun of everyone else there. Plus I could so help you with the crossword puzzle -- if I had a pocket flashlight and some strong reading glasses!

  4. Oh so you like cats now...I think I just heard hell freezing over. haha

  5. No picture of the bridesmaid dress? What's up with that?

  6. Wow. That's really saying something when hanging with your mom boosts your street cred...
