Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lay On Your Side, Gurl, You'll Get Through This

One time I mercilessly teased My Gay Husband for quoting an IM session in an academic paper.  This, however, is not an academic paper and I write whatever the hell I want.  Dora celebrated my birthday by getting trashed and has been texting me hungover complaints all day.  Here is what I've just been IM'ing (instant messaging, for my mom) with her:

Me: Hey gurl
Me: I'm glad you got on here
Me: it's so much easier than text b/c my laptop is balanced on my gut while my cell is plugged into the charger, forcing me to roll onto my side to text you
Dora: Aw shoot
Dora: you wanna hear what I ate today?
Dora: just for dinner I had a can of spaghetti-os, two packs of mac and cheese, and then i went to kroger and got the stuff to make rotel 
Dora: now i'm moaning ... too much cheeesee!!
Me: oh man, this is serious b/c you didn't just consume a high volume of food, you ate a whole bunch of junk
Me: i know the feeling all too well
Me: lay on your side, gurl, you'll get through this


  1. I'm feeling a little better, but I don't have the energy to put the rotel up so it's just starin at me.

  2. sorry but I just found your blog, how fun to read. I am an au pair in Sterling, so same work to do:-)
    how old are your kids?

  3. i love reading your blog! =) i wish i was as funny as you.
